Installing CodecPhone: The CodecPhone software is located on this CD in the CodecPhone folder. To install, follow these directions: 1. Double-click on the 'My Computer' icon on your Desktop. Calling with CodecPhone through Firewall: If there is a firewall installed in your local network, you need to ask your administrator to open these ports for callling from inside firewall through the Internet to a phone number or a PC:
Copying the Mi-Card: If you would like to copy a specific Mi-Card to your computer, follow these steps: 1. Created a new folder on your desktop by right-clicking, and selecting
the New > Folder option. You may name the folder anything you
like. However, if you will encounter more than one Mi-Card, it is best
to use its original name as your folder name. You may now access the Mi-Card without the CD-ROM by double-clicking on file 'IPO2U.html' .