Mi-Card on College
Planning by TLC Information Services
Call us by CodecPhone
or Order Mi-Card by Form
1. Purposes of TLC Information Services
2. Mi-Card Development Process
3. Mi-Card on College Planning
4. College Tuition Savings Plans
5. General Tips and Information about College Planning
6. Value of This Mi-Card on College Planning
7. Disclaimers
8. Order This Mi-Card on College Planning
9. Any Questions?
1. Purposes of TLC Information Services
TLC Information Services was founded in 1994 with the purpose to provide valuable
information to the public. It started out as a personal information research service and expanded into Internet automated search service such as
the medical world search engine, MWSearch.
The twentieth century brought on the information explosion and the Internet
has extended the information age to the twenty first century with an impact
that is beyond measure and expectation. Information is critical in every day
life from traffic jam to economic crisis. Information is vital in every domain of businesses.
For each individual or family, one can not over emphasize the importance of
keeping abreast of the overwhelming information explosion in the various medium especially the world wide web. The most important information domain
to any individual is
- Health/medical
- Finance/investment
- Education
- Career and job
- Marriage and family planning
- Raising children
- Many Others
The above list is long and can be subjective. For example, religion, taxes,
environments, etc. are also important information domains. TLC Information services sets its goal to provide
information on all important information domains. Following its effort in developing and providing an
intelligent medical world search engine, TLC is
focusing on the College Planning as its next information service offering.
This topic belongs to the categories of finance/investment, education and family
planning and raising children. No one can argue College Planning is not an
important issue, especially after the Congress passed the law for tax
deductible college savings incentive, commonly known as 529. A "529
Plan" is a tax-advantaged program, established under Section 529 of
the Internal Revenue Code, that helps families and individuals prepare
for the future costs of a college education. Plan participants
contribute to an account or purchase tuition credits or certificates on
behalf of a beneficiary -- a parent for a child or grandparent for
grandchild, for example -- that has certain federal and state tax
advantages. These plans are known as Qualified Tuition Programs.
All 50 states have passed legislation authorizing a 529 plan, and most
have a plan in operation. (see tabulated details in section 4 in the
Mi-Card). Education is an important issue no less than health. That is the reason, TLC Information Services has decided to
develop a Mi-Card on College Planning. As a matter of fact, TLC
feels strongly
about this topic since college planning holds the future for education and
education holds the future of the individual, the family, the state, the nation, and the
world. We may say that College planning holds the future period!
As a reference to TLC Information Services' achievement, the Medical World
Search service as TLC's first public information service tool should be briefly
introduced. MWSearch is the world's first intelligent medical search engine.
It understands medical concepts and thesaurus so that queries can be intelligently expanded to find more relevant and deeper medical and health
knowledge from the vast amount of health and medical information (15% of the web pages are health and medical related). MWSearch also crawls the web
and index the most relevant medial web sites and called them major sites. This
automated search tool has served the public since 1996. TLC Information Services
is very proud of the compliments it received from its member users.
For College planning, the information is equally important but the information
is not as voluminous as medical and health domain. The information providers
such as book publishers, magazines and web sites tend to be cyclical as they
often are when the topics are politically cyclical. Therefore, finding relevant
and useful information on College Planning becomes a time consuming chore. TLC
Information Services has decided to adopt the Mi-Card technology and develop a
Mi-Card on College Planning since it offers the best way of providing information
seekers a friendly, persistent and action supported information format all integrated into a portable CD medium. Having a copy of Mi-Card on College Planning, it is like reading a digest of the topic with all essential points
included, all relevant references on the web sites (and book publishers) live-linked, all important tips regarding strategy and execution of college planning
and getting into colleges are collected in one place. Most importantly, a callable
phone directory to all 42 states that offer college savings plans is included for
the reader to make a call to talk to the plan sponsor and administrator. Furthermore,
when most relevant web sites related to this topic is assembled in one place for?
the readers, it saves readers not only time but also provide valuable comparisons
and second opinions.
We hope that you will enjoy this Mi-Card save it and revisit it from time to time as needed.
You may call us for information updates and you may recommend this Mi-Card to your
loved ones and friends.
2. Mi-Card development Process
Mi-Card is a patent pending product based on a number of mature technologies
integrated to offer an optimum information and communication medium. The information
subject matter is organized to take advantage of the technologies offered by this
medium and avoid the pitfalls of overwhelming websites with information tailored to
a diversity of audience making navigation difficult and frustrating.
Mi-Card is an optical storage card and a calling card containing the following
i. Information Content in the format of HTML (web pages), hence hyper linked
for easy browsing.
ii. Information organized as easily readable continuous digest form with live
web links for additional supplemental reading but not as random links appearing
to readers.
iii. A web to phone and web to PC calling software is included in the Mi-Card
to support interactive information exchange.
iv. Relevant phone numbers are imbedded in the content to allow readers to
click and call the number and talk to a live knowledgeable person.
v. A phone directory is assembled to contain all relevant phone numbers to the
subject matter for the readers as a valuable utility tool.
vi. Mi-Card is designed in the size and shape like a credit card, hence can be
easily carried in a wallet, automatically launched from an ordinary PC CD drive
and shared with friends in a gathering even without the Internet access (the
calling feature does require Internet link)
3. Mi-Card on College Planning
This portion of Mi-Card is only viewable through a physical
Mi-Card on College Planning
(Click here to order the Mi-Card, $15 per copy,
quantity discount 20% off)
4. College Tuition Savings Plan
Under 529, there are two types plans,
one is tuition prepaid plan and the other is college savings plan. Most
states (42 of them) offer one or the other or both plans. The plans are
typically managed by professional investment firms or in some cases
administered by the state government itself. In this section, all plans
offered by the 42 states are tabulated together in one place so you may
study and compare them. The example given below shows three headings: A.
State Name and Plan Name, B. Plan and Investment Information contained in
the most relevant web sites and C. Plan management information and contact
phone number that can be clicked and called for further information. It is
absolutely important to talk to the plan management to confirm enrollment
procedures and return on investment results. Alaska is given as an example
5. General Tips and Information on College Planning
This portion of content and callable ....through a physical
Mi-Card on College Planning.
(Click here to order, $15 per copy, quantity
discount 20% off)
6. Value of This Mi-Card on College Planning (Mi-Card link)
- Callable Phone Directory with CodecPhone Calling Software Included.
CodecPhone is based on the calling software developed by IPO2U.COM
and is used by businesses
at i800-2u and college community at CodecPhone
- All 42 States' College Savings Plans 800 Numbers Are Callable, Free to the Caller.
An example is given here, you may call the 800 number to talk to the plan manager: Alaska State College savings Plan, 800-369-3641, Investment manager T. Rowe Price, State income tax deductible.
- Important Tips and Web Site Links Are Provided
- You May Call TLC Information Services for Updates
7. Disclaimers
- Web Site Information Are Hard to Find, Difficult to Read and Often Poorly Maintained (This
Mi-Card puts All Together with TLC Process But can Not Guarantee All The Links and Phone Numbers Not to Change)
- This Mi-Card is a Portable Wallet Size CD Easily Saved, Shared and Used between Parents, Grand Parents and Friends to Discuss College Planning.
There is no refund for any order, the usage of this Mi-Card is under the terms
and agreement)
- Most Price Information are Time Variant, Hence Generally Given with a Link to the Source (TLC Information Services Can Not Guarantee the Sources Will Keep Their Price Information Current)
8. Order This Mi-Card on College Planning
- The Best $15 Investment You Can Make for Your Children, Grand Children, Favored or Loved Youngsters and Our World's Future
- Click the Order Button on This Page, Fill out the Simple Order Form and Process On-Line secure Credit Card Payment
- The purchase price includes shipping and handling with sales tax extra. The Mi-Card Will Be Sent to You within Two Weeks by Certified Mail
9. Any Questions? Call Us by CodecPhone by Clicking Here
Mi-Card on College Planning
Offered by TLC Information Services
3 Louis drive
Katonah, NY 10536
Tel. 914-248-6770
Fax. 914-248-6429