Increasing Web Traffic & Archiving Web Content - Why What and Who Benefits? It is a challenge to attract traffic to a commercial web site to achieve brand name recognition and sales volume. People resort to many different means to attract visitor traffic. There is a delicate balance to attract or trick visitors to browse and satisfy visitors for what they are interested in. Well, the problem is that the interests of potential web browsers are too broad and too dynamic to be well defined. Hence, through keyword submission to search engines or millions of emailing just do not necessarily bring the "Hot Prospects" to one's web site. The Mi-Card is like a web site except richer, faster, theme focused, broader information scope than just product information to appeal to a broad audience. It is designed to be useful to the users so they will keep it permanently. The sponsor of the Mi-Card has the advantage to present the best image to the audience through Mi-Card and attract the genuine "Hot Prospects" to communicate back with the sponsor and/or visit the sponsor's web sites. The Mi-Card can archive a special edition of a web site and use it to attract audience to the current web site. All businesses having web sites can take advantage of the Mi-Card technology and solution to reach out to customers and to generate business leads. If an organization is required by law to 'publish and disseminate' certain information, the organization can do it with Mi-Card not only cost effectively but also innovatively, for example to interact with information receivers via real time survey and feedback. The Benefits of Using Mi-Card
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